
Apollo (moon stream mascot) amigurumi pattern

アッポロ(moon stream)のあみぐるみです
このあみぐるみはかわいいですねえ ! =3

In White

row 1: ch26, sc in 2nd ch from hook, 24sc. ch1, turn.
row 2-40: 24sc, ch1, turn
Make 2 pieces for the body(front and back).

ch8, sc in 2nd ch from hook, 6sc (7) ch1, turn
dec, continue until the end of the row, ch1, turn.
do like this until you have only one stitch remaining

round 1: 6sc in MR
2: inc, sc (9)
3: inc, 2sc (12)
4-11: sc around
stuff lightly

round 1: 6sc in MR
2: inc
3-8: sc

Tail: 6sc in MR, then work as many rows as needed until you reach the lengh you want, then switch to black and do 2 rounds with black. FO

In Cream

row 1: ch 16, and sc across starting in 2nd ch from hook
2-14: sc across
15: dec, sc until you have only 2 st remaining, dec
repeat row 15 until the edge looks "round"

This is my personal pattern, please don't sell it or claim it as your own.
And please don't sell the doll, it's better as a gift :D