
Bacon Octopus pattern

I made it as a Christmas gift for a friend which looooves bacon x)

so here's the pattern:

3mm crochet hook

With yellow,
1: 6sc in MR
2: *inc* around (12)
3: *inc, sc* around (18)
4: *inc, 2sc* around (24)
5: *inc, 3sc* around (30)
6-9: sc around (30) --> insert safety eyes between round 7&8.

With white,
1: 6sc in MR
2: *inc* around (12)
3: *inc, sc* around (18)
4: *inc, 2sc* around (24)
5: *inc, 3sc* around (30)
6: *inc, 4sc* around (36)
7: *inc, 5sc* around (42)
8: *inc, 6sc* around (48)
9: *inc, 7sc* around (54)
10: *inc, 8sc* around (60)

Bacon (make 8) --> I only made 5 but as it's an octopus you can make 8 ;)
with white, ch 20,
starting in 2nd chain from hook, sc 18
change to red, ch1
hdc across for 2 rows.

*this is my personal pattern, don't sell it or reproduce it. However, you can sell the items made with this pattern, but please, not on online websites. *


Panda scarf

Long time no see :D
Here's my panda scarf pattern ^__^
It's not complete and there's no photo yet since i'm still making it ;)

5mm crochet hook

With white yarn,
ch 25, insert hook in 2nd chain from hook, 23sc, ch1, turn
1 ~ 23sc, ch1, turn
repeat the same row until you reach the desired lengh for your scarf ^^

Panda head (make 2)
with white yarn,
1: 6sc in MR
2: *inc* around (12)
3: *inc, sc* around (18)
4: *inc, 2sc* around (24)
5: *inc, 3sc* around (30)
6: *inc, 4sc* around (36)
7: *inc, 5sc* around (42)
8: *inc, 6sc* around (48)
9: *inc, 7sc* around (54)
10: *inc, 8sc* around (60)
11: *inc, 9sc* around (66)
12: *inc, 10sc* around (72)

Panda ears (make2)
with black yarn,
1: 6sc in MR
2: *inc* around (12)
3: *inc, sc* around (18)
4-6: sc around (18)
Do not stuff !

Panda arms & legs (make4)
with black yarn,
1: 6sc im MR
2: *inc, sc* around (9)
3-10: sc around (9)
do not stuff!

Panda eyes (make 2)
with black yarn,
1: 6sc in MR
2: *inc* around (12)

Panda tail
with black yarn, 6sc in MR. FO.

This is my personal pattern, don't reproduce it or claim it as your own.
Don't sell the pattern. Also, please don't sell the items made with this pattern.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask ^.^